January 31, 2016 Activities Chunks Grammar Lexis Vocabulary Be like Bill for grammar (and vocabulary) practice The third person singular of the Present Simple tense is known to be particularly problematic for learners and when the "Be Like Bill...
December 19, 2014 Chunks Grammar Lexical Approach Research Closely connected Photo by Sudhamshu Hebbar on Flickr [CC BY 2.0] An article written by the British linguist Vyvyan Evans entitled “Language Instinct is a My...
January 05, 2014 Activities Collocations Grammar Lesson plan News Quiz Vocabulary News Quiz 2013 - Vocabulary Images by Tim Evanson , Gene Hunt & Alex Alishevskikh via Flickr As usual, as a follow up to the traditional end-of-year news quiz,...
October 26, 2013 Corpus Grammar Lexical Approach Lexis Multi-part verbs Task-based learning Vocabulary We are lexically indebted to him Image source: www.willis-elt.co.uk I opened my Facebook yesterday morning and was saddened to see Chia Suan Chong’s post about the passing o...
September 14, 2013 Chunks Collocations Grammar Lexical Approach Research The highway to fluency and a roundabout way to grammar Photo by @GoldsteinBen via eltpics on Flickr A second lesson with two new pre-intermediate (A2) students (I usually put my private student...
June 30, 2013 Activities Chunks Grammar Lexis Spoken Grammar It doesn't matter Photo by Victoria Boobyer via eltpics Do your students often say "it's depend..." or things like "it's not cost mu...
June 01, 2013 Error correction Grammar Research SLA Vocabulary Writing SLA research: still in the shackles of traditional grammar? Second Language Acquisition ( SLA ) research also needs a lexical revolution to free itself from the shackles of grammar tyranny. Rant aler...
March 25, 2013 Corpora Corpus Grammar Lexical Approach Lexis Research Spoken Grammar Spoken Language What corpora HAVE done for us Sinclair's seminal work - the bible of corpus linguistics In this post I would like to defend linguistic corpora and their relevance to ...
February 20, 2013 Chunks Grammar Lexical Approach Research Grammar rules... again?! Chunks strike back This is a somewhat belated reaction to Catherine Walter's article which appeared in the Learning English section of Guardian last autumn...
January 05, 2013 Activities Chunks Collocation forks Collocations Grammar Lexis News Quiz News quiz 2012 - vocabulary review Making history By Alexandre Inagaki via Flickr [CC BY 2.0] I hope you and your students enjoyed my traditional end-of-year news quiz I publ...
December 30, 2012 Activities Chunks Collocations Grammar Lesson plan Lexis News Quiz Vocabulary Traditional end-of-year news quiz 2012 Photo by Sandy Millin via eltpics A bit less heavy on political news this year and featuring more sports, showbiz and gossip items, here is ...